Thursday, September 29, 2011

Flowers In Sight

My old photos of flowers, common shot but yet i love them.

Olympus FE20,X15,C25 - Focal Length 7 mm Aperture F/3.5
Exposure 1/500 sec. ISO-200

Olympus FE20,X15,C25 Focal Length 7 mm Aperture F/3.5
Exposure 1/500 sec. ISO-160

Olympus FE20,X15,C25 Focal Length 7 mm Aperture F/4.9
Exposure 1/800 sec. ISO-64

Next photos were taken using the same Olympus FE20, photo info is not available as my files were destroyed by a virus. Photos were taken in Macro setting except for the first one.

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